

By submitting this application and this Agreement for volunteer service(s) to The Salvation Army (“TSA”) and/or by participating as a volunteer, I acknowledge that I have read, understood, voluntarily accept and agree to the following terms and conditions by TSA.


1.1 I declare and will accept full responsibility that my Personal Data and other information are complete, accurate and true. I understand that any false or misleading information may cause rejection of this application and/or conclusion of voluntary service. As such, I also authorise TSA to verify all information to confirm the accuracy, completeness or truth. This includes any data such as name, NRIC/ FIN, telephone number, address, email address and other information which I provide to TSA. Additionally, I will update TSA in a timely manner of all changes to the information provided.

1.2 By signing this volunteer application form, I agree that TSA may collect, use and disclose my personal data, as provided in this application form, or (if applicable) obtained by TSA as a result of my application, for the following purposes in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 and TSA Data Protection Notice (“DPN”) available at https://www.salvationarmy.org/singapore/dataprotectionpolicy:

(a) the processing of this volunteer application form; and
(b) the administration of the volunteer application with TSA.

2.1 My involvement in TSA is solely on voluntary basis and shall not involve any form of remuneration.

2.2 This section is only relevant (disregard if irrelevant) for an Employment Pass Holder/Work Permit Holder/Foreign Domestic Worker: I, ______________________ (FIN & Name as in FIN) confirm that if my voluntary involvement with TSA takes place during my working hours, (i) my employer has been informed, (ii) my employer consents to my involvement and will continue to pay me during this time and (iv) I have printed out and retained a copy of this page.

3.1 TSA reserves the right to reject and/or change the placement of a volunteer, should it deem that there is no fit or if TSA evaluates that he/she might be better able to contribute to the care of beneficiaries via other means.

3.2 I agree to be subjected to a period of probation to ensure that there is a match between me and my volunteer assignment.

3.3 I will abide to the volunteer code of conduct and acknowledge the receipt of “The ABCs of Volunteering with The Salvation Army” or updated versions. A copy of this guide is made available on http://tiny.cc/ABC-Volunteering-2019. When in doubt, I will refer to the Volunteer Coordinator or respective staff for clarification.

4.1 I recognise and accept that participation in events and activities organised by or on behalf of TSA involve risks. Whilst all due care is taken, I undertake to and will release TSA, its officers, officials, employees, staff, volunteers, supporters, beneficiaries, partners, or any other servants or agents from all damages, liabilities, losses, claims, costs, charges and expenses for any accident, injury, loss or damage to person or personal property suffered by and/or to myself or other person(s)/organisation(s) that may occur in the course of participating in such events. I agree to promptly inform TSA and assist with any risk incidents inquiry.

5.1 As a volunteer, I agree that it is important that all confidential information will remain confidential. This includes all information regarding TSA and its beneficiaries and/or all information gathered while volunteering.

5.2 I agree not to disclose any confidential information, including photographs, videos or comments relating to TSA and its beneficiaries to any third party or on any social media or any other communication platforms, without the prior written consent from TSA.

5.3 I agree not to directly or indirectly make use of any confidential information to further personal interest or gain.

6.1 I agree any disputes or matters arising out of or in connection with my application and this agreement will be amicably negotiated and settled in good faith through discussions or by mediation in accordance with the mediation rules of the Singapore Mediation Centre for the time being in force.

6.2 My application and this Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with Singapore laws.

Updated as at 1 Oct 2021